South Tarrant Valley Group Parish Council

January 2021 Minutes



HELD REMOTELY in accordance with the 2020 Regulations AT 7pm

Present: Councillors Beale, Cossins (Chairman), Deketelaere, Garland, Munford, Parker, Sweetland, Thomson and Topliss.

In attendance: Clerk Mrs Huck

1 – Apologies for absence
Apologies for absence from this meeting were received from Cllr Eaton, Cllr Harding and Cllr Brown. Council were advised of the reason for absences. Councillor Sweetland was welcomed back after inability to attend.

2 – Declarations of interest not previously disclosed and to grant any dispensations as requested
Under Section 33 of the Localism Act 2011 and given all councillors have beneficial interest in land in the grouped parish as disclosed in the register of interests, dispensation was granted for all to speak and vote on agenda item 8, proposed 2021\22 budget for precept setting.          .

3 – Minutes of the meeting held on November 2020
Reference was made to the Asset Review and the Clerk confirmed this would be carried out in February. Councillor Garland reported an item on the register be deleted following its removal due to instability (Wooden bench, Tarrant Keyneston Village Hall). Two benches were being provided by the Hall Trustees \ Management.

RESOLUTION: The minutes of the November meeting were approved for signing by the Chairman.

4 – Report from the County Councillor
In the absence of the County Councillor, the following were raised:

Dorset Council Climate and Ecological Emergency Strategy Consultation, closing 20th January – Cllr Beale highlighted the need for individual response\raising awareness.

Cllr Thomson agreed to publicise using the Tarrant Keyneston Whatsapp Group.

Waste collection – Cllr Beale reported the most recent collection had not taken place on Blandford Hill in Tarrant Keyneston. Collections had occurred elsewhere in Tarrant Keyneston and Tarrants Rushton and Rawston.

5 – Open discussion of up to 10 minutes 

(Resolution: to suspend SO 3f from 30 minutes to 10 minutes to reduce online meeting  length)
Cllr Beale raised a resident’s concern over development north of Dorchester and whether the Parish Council would consider involvement in an ongoing campaign. Though commenting on planning applications was open to all, it was felt this was beyond the Council’s jurisdiction.

6 – Planning
(a) 2/2020/1292/CPE – Church House Valley Road Tarrant Keyneston – undecided
(b)  P/FUL/2020/00224 – Tarrant Crawford sewage works – undecided though seen as necessary to comply with environmental requirements.
(c)  P/OUT/2020/00026 – Land At E 389445 N 108065 North and East of the Blandford Bypass

(Cllr Deketelaere joined the meeting at 7.20pm)

The Clerk outlined some of the responses on this application with questions around infrastructure provision, sustainability and quality. All responses are available online on the Dorset Council Planning pages.
(d)  Ashley Wood Residential Park – building development (November 2020 meeting min 10 refers). No further update from Dorset Council Planning Enforcement Team available at the time of the meeting.

7 – Financial statement for November – December 2020 and approval of cheques for payment
The Clerk had previously emailed the financial statement showing full details of income and expenditure set against budget.  It was:

RESOLVED the November – December statement be approved and signed and the cheques shown in the schedule also be approved and signed.

 8 – Proposed Budget – 2021 \ 22 financial year
A proposed budget had previously been emailed to councillors for consideration. Queries raised included:

(a) Cllr Thomson asked about the Highways line being intended for the possible purchase of Speedwatch equipment, given the two figures were different. (£320 \ £200) The Clerk confirmed the budget line would substantially contribute towards it, suggesting the remainder come from reserves.

(b) the grass cutting budget, with the Chairman stating Mr Kelly had agreed to continue this work. The Council confirmed their appreciation for this and the extra work kindly carried out by Mr Kelly around flower planting etc.

Cllr Beale asked whether cutting the grass less frequently \ not as short be considered in terms of being environmentally friendly. Discussion followed and it was:

RESOLVED the grass be kept short and the site maintained as at present as a mark of respect at the War Memorial.

The Chairman would consult Mr Kelly for his input on this matter.

(c) the online meeting subscription cost. Cllr Parker volunteered the use of his licence. The Chairman thanked him for this and suggested this be discussed outside of the meeting between the Clerk and Cllr Parker taking into consideration the requirements around the holding of public council meetings.

It was then:

RESOLVED the proposed 2021 \ 22 budget be accepted and a precept request be made to Dorset Council for £5000, holding the figure requested in 2020 \ 21. 

Discussion also took place on other possibilities around wildflower planting as part of the Council’s approach to ecologically friendly action. Cllr Munford suggested two areas in Tarrant Keyneston which may be used – around the Church and at Queen’s Copse. He outlined that wildflower planting needed management to become established and appropriate planting would result in grass around 20cm in height by end of summer as opposed to higher which could be detrimental to wildflowers.

It was AGREED this be a March agenda item.

9 – Fingerpost directional sign – project update on Ashley Wood Golf Course corner
The Clerk updated the meeting in Cllr Harding’s absence and councillors had received an email prior to the meeting. The post previously damaged by a traffic incident had been replaced by Dorset Highways at no cost to the Parish Council. As a basic post, it required further work to make it suitable as a fingerpost (painting, drilling etc) and given the year’s budget allocation had already been taken, it was:

RESOLVED £150 be taken from reserves to finish the work on the Ashley Wood Corner post.

Cllr Garland asked about the missing roundel replacement on the Tarrant Keyneston Mill post. The Clerk confirmed this had been capped to maintain the integrity of the post as funds to replace the roundel had not been available. This had been done without cost to the Council by Normtec and appreciation was given for this.

10 – Highways
(a) Community Speedwatch initiative in Tarrant Keyneston. Cllr Topliss confirmed this was progressing well, with 11 volunteers now available for training when restrictions ease.
(b)  Speed Indicator Device (SID). The Clerk confirmed two sites on the B3082 had been approved and reported the possibility of a third SID site in Tarrant Keyneston though this would require a further data survey. The same device could be moved between the sites. The total costs would be approximately £5000 and to progress this, the Clerk suggested either grant funding or local fundraising at a future date with the latter being dependent on the current lockdown restrictions being lifted.

It was AGREED the Clerk pursue grant funding and report back to the March meeting.

11 – Website
The Clerk reported on the options around an extended website incorporating the Parish villages which in turn would bring more website visitors providing information for locals and visitors alike.

Cllr Thomson highlighted the Tarrant Monkton and Launceston Village website and it was agreed this was a good model, with relevancy and updating considered very important. Cllrs Beale and Thomson volunteered to work alongside the Clerk with the council’s website developers for the scoping. It was AGREED this be taken forward and brought back to the March meeting.

12 – Digital Agenda
The Clerk reported on the DCC initiative to assist with IT availability \ use and the means of disseminating this, together with raising awareness of residents who may wish to have more accessibility. Cllr Thomson confirmed he had added the information to the Tarrant Keyneston Whatsapp discussion. Cllr Beale raised the potential issue around the ongoing expense of IT network provision.

13 – To decide items for next agenda

Community Speedwatch
Speed Indicator Device
Fingerpost project
Ashley Wood – planning
Wildflower planting – Queen’s Copse
Website development

14 – To confirm date of the next meeting as 9th March 2021, to be followed by 11th May, 13th July, 14th September and 9th November. 

For information: Cllr Parker reported the Church Benefice is facing changes due to the lack of clergy availability. The eight villages in the Tarrant Valley will be split, though a social link will be continued.



Signed ……………………………….(Chairman)        Date …………………………………….