South Tarrant Valley Group Parish Council

January 2021 Minutes



HELD REMOTELY in accordance with the 2020 Regulations AT 7pm

Present: Councillors Beale, Cossins (Chairman), Deketeleare, Garland, Harding, Parker, Sweetland and Topliss

In attendance: Clerk Mrs Huck


RESOLVED that Cllr James Cossins, nominated by Cllr Garland, seconded by Cllr Harding and as the only nominee, was unanimously re-elected Chairman. 


The meeting received the Chairman’s declaration of acceptance of office and undertaking to abide by the Code of Conduct.


RESOLVED that Cllr Garland, nominated by Cllr Harding, seconded by Cllr Parker and as the only nominee, was unanimously elected Vice-Chairman.


The meeting received the Vice Chairman’s declaration of acceptance of office and undertaking to abide by the Code of Conduct.


Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Eaton, Munford and Thomson.


Cllr Harding declared an interest in Minute 19c in that he was party to the planning application.


RESOLVED Cllr Garland continue to be the Council’s representative for the George Galpin’s Almshouses Trust, with the four year term having started in 2019 and so this being the third year.

The Clerk advised two representatives were appointed to the Trust, with the second currently being Mrs Liz Lee who would complete her four years in July 2021. The Trust’s Chairman and Council’s Clerk would advise further on this.


RESOLVED that following Council representatives be appointed:

a) Tarrant Keyneston Recreation Ground and Village Hall Trust – Cllr Garland (for 3 months)
b) Tree Warden and Rights of Way – Cllr Topliss and Cllr Harding
c) 2 DAPTC representatives – Cllr Beale. Cllr Eaton would advise of her position.
d) Flood warden and Community Resilience – Cllr Deketeleare
e) Ancient Monuments Liaison Officer – Cllr Eaton would advise of her position.

The Annual Meeting was then followed by an ordinary meeting of the Parish Council.

9 – Minutes of the meeting held on 10th March 2021

It was highlighted the date shown was incorrect and so with this amendment, it was:

RESOLVED the minutes of the March meeting were approved for signing by the Chairman at a future date when lockdown restrictions allowed.

10 – Report from the County Councillor

The Council noted the County Councillor’s apologies for this meeting as he was attending a parish council meeting elsewhere.

11 – Open discussion of up to 10 minutes
(Resolution: to suspend SO 3f from 30 minutes to 10 minutes to reduce online meeting  length)

(a) Outbuildings – Cllr Harding asked the Clerk to investigate the guidelines on planning permissions for outbuildings as there appeared to be two garages being erected in Tarrant Rushton.
(b) Dog waste bin – Tarrant Rushton. This bin was to be reported as overflowing and the programme for emptying investigated by the Clerk.
(c) Low flying helicopters – councillors reported this as seeming to have increased and to be creating a noise nuisance, both for residents and livestock. The Clerk would investigate and the Chairman also offered to make use of a contact number he had been given in this respect.

12 – Tarrant Rushton Airfield

Councillor Harding reported Dorset Council Rangers were installing a gate enabling inclusive access to the Rights of Way at the Airfield with the work being imminent. In good weather parking was insufficient and creating a difficult situation and attracted crime with cars being broken into.

Cycling initiative – Cllr Harding also reported there were no further developments on this currently though the project was ongoing.

 13 – Bonfires

The Chairman reported the Council had received a further complaint with regard to bonfires being lit and creating a nuisance. (He declared an interest at this point and the Vice Chair then took this item.)

The Clerk referred to previous Council action on bonfire nuisance reports which included the publishing of information in the Tarrant Times on two occasions in the last two years and the County Councillor confirming requests for legislation as being unworkable. A suggestion of a village meeting on the subject, potentially also attended by a Fire and Rescue Service representative, was felt to be of possible use. Further emergency contact numbers in the event of an environmental hazard being created were also being sort. It was:

RESOLVED a councillor would contact both the resident reporting the nuisance and the resident at the address given to speak on the matter and report back before a next step would be decided.


14 – Financial statements for March and April 2021 and approval of cheques scheduled

The Clerk had previously emailed the financial statements showing full details of income and expenditure set against budget, together with a bank reconciliation.  It was:

RESOLVED (a) the March and April statements be approved and signed; (b) the cheques shown in the schedules be approved and signed; (c) the cheque for Mr S Kelly for grasscutting at the War Memorial be approved and signed and delivered by the Chairman with the thanks of the Council to Mr Kelly for his ongoing care of the site.

 15 – Annual Governance and Accountability Return – approval of the Annual Governance Statement 2020\21

Council confirmed receipt and review of the Annual Governance Statement (Section 1) as circulated ahead of the meeting. The Clerk confirmed the accounts had been inspected by the internal auditor in April and all internal control objectives had been met with no matters to bring to the Council’s attention. There were no further queries and it was:

RESOLVED the Council approved and so instructed the signature of the Annual Governance Statement of the AGAR for the financial year ended 2020-21.

 16 – Accounting Statements 2020\21 – approval

Council considered the Annual Return and the Accounting statements 2021-20 (Section 2) as circulated ahead of the meeting. It was:

RESOLVED the Council approved and so instructed the signing of the Accounting statements of the AGAR for the financial year ended 2020-21.

 17 – Certificate of Exemption from Limited Assurance Review

Council considered the Certificate following its circulation ahead of the meeting. It was:

RESOLVED the Council approved the signing of the Certificate ahead of its return to the External Auditor confirming Exemption from Review.

 18 – Council’s insurance arrangements and payment of the premium.

The Clerk confirmed this was the second year of a three year long term agreement offer, meaning the premium remained at last year’s figure. The policy was available from the Clerk for inspection.

RESOLVED the long term agreement offer from the Council’s insurers continue, with the premium set at £217.      



19 – (a) P/FUL/2020/00224 – Tarrant Crawford sewage works

The Clerk reported site traffic had been using Crawford Bridge and the project manager had apologised and reinforced the use of the A354\Langton Long route. Cllr Parker highlighted there would be increased traffic on that route due to the A350\A354 housing development and had requested Dorset Council Highways provide traffic lights at Crawford Bridge to manage this.

(b)  Ashley Wood Residential Park – building development (Jan 21 min 6d refers)

The Chairman confirmed he had written to the County Councillor on the level of service received from Planning Enforcement on this matter and believing it to be of a lesser standard than that provided by the District Council previously. Cllr Brown had contacted the Portfolio Lead and Head of Department and a reply was due. The Vice Chair reported on a liaison meeting with Simon Hoare MP when the latter indicated his willingness to investigate such matters.

Concern was expressed over the future of trees currently providing cover of the building, given windows appeared to face directly onto them. The Clerk would investigate which wildlife organisation also had responsibility for land in the area.

(c)  P/FUL/2021/00598 Proposal: Replacement of former timber framed granary with timber framed building for use as 1no. residential unit (Retrospective)
Location: Preston Farm Access To Preston Farm, Tarrant Rushton

Cllr Harding declared an interest in this item, given the location. He remained in the meeting to answer any questions and was asked why the application was retrospective. He responded the current building directly replaced one which had due for renovation and in order to preserve the footprint, rebuilding work had gone ahead. He also clarified this was holiday let accommodation as opposed to residential. A vote was taken on the Council’s response to the application which registered no objections, with one abstention having not had the opportunity to view the building.

 20 – Litter collection campaign – Great British Spring Clean 2021 – 28 May to 13 June 2021

The Clerk reported this was being run by the Keep Britain Tidy charity and was being brought to the meeting for consideration. Councillors stated individuals collected litter on an ongoing basis and participation in the event as a group was not felt necessary.

 21 – Proposed bench donation

The Chairman advised of an offer to place a donated memorial bench at The Splash. The Council expressed their thanks. Cllr Harding considered there was enough space and the use of reconstituted material for the bench was supported, reducing ongoing maintenance. He also offered to be the liaison for the installation. The Clerk advised the insurance costs form part of the decision. It was:

RESOLVED (a) the offer of the donation of a memorial bench be accepted; (b) the increase in insurance premium of approximately £6 per annum be approved; and, (c) the Council reply formally to the donors on completion of the project.

22 – To decide items for next agenda

George Galpins Almshouses Trust – representative
Proposed bench donation
Community Speedwatch
Speed Indicator Device
Fingerpost project
Ashley Wood – planning
Wildflower planting – Queen’s Copse
Website development

23 – Next Meeting Date

This was confirmed as 13th July, with a return to in person meetings in the Anne Biddlecombe Hall. Cllr Beale tendered her apologies for this meeting.

Further meetings on 14th September (Ordinary Meeting and Parish Meeting) and 9th November. 


Signed ……………………………….(Chairman)        Date …………………………………….