South Tarrant Valley Group Parish Council

November 2020 Minutes


TUESDAY, 10th November 2020
HELD REMOTELY in accordance with the 2020 Regulations AT 7pm

Present: Councillors Beale, Cossins (Chairman), Deketelaere, Garland, Harding, Parker, Thomson and Topliss.

In attendance: County Councillor Brown, Clerk Mrs Huck

1.  Apologies for absence

Apologies for absence from this meeting were received from Councillor Eaton.

2.  Declarations of interest not previously disclosed and to grant any dispensations as requested.

The Council noted the Declaration of Interest by the Chairman in respect of Item 9 (Hillside).

3.   Minutes of the meeting held on 8th September 2020.

The minutes of the September meeting were approved for signing by the Chairman.

4.  Report from the County Councillor

Councillor Brown reported on the County Council’s support for those who have previously needed to shield during lockdown and on their working in partnership with Citizens Advice on this; the Libraries service continuing online during lockdown; Dorset Waste Partnership in respect of the gritting programme which
is now being supported by historic data modelling resulting in a potential 13,000 tonnes less grit\salt being used and less mileage being covered.

Cllr Cossins raised whether DWP could make better use of online reporting of missed collections.

5.  Anne Biddlecombe Hall availability
Cllr Garland, as the Council’s Hall representative, reported the Trustees and Management are maintaining their decision not to open the Hall during the pandemic, given the numbers of volunteers available to meet the increased Covid secure demands. In support of the resolution of a potential local issue, the hall had been made available prior to the 2nd lockdown to a very small music group for practice.

The playing field continued to be available. Though locked to ensure security against trespass, there were now 6 keyholders who could provide the keys to those wishing to use it. Discussion took place on the effect on spontaneity of use and Cllr Garland repeated the decision to continuing using keyholders at present was that of the Trustees and Management.

6.  Bonfires
Cllr Thomson confirmed an article on the use of bonfires had been published in the November Tarrant Times. Councillors reported no recent incidents had occurred but concerns for the Spring and Summer seasons remained.

7.  Open discussion of up to 30 minutes: members of the public may raise issues

The Clerk reported having been contacted by a resident in response to the extending of charges at various car parks across the county. A review and consultation on all parking was due in 2021.

8.  Coronavirus Pandemic – review of support
The Council considered its support offered during the previous lockdown in view of the current one. It was felt the Tarrant Keyneston Whatsapp group had been particularly useful though highlighted there were numbers of residents not part of the group. (This linked with agenda item 20 in respect of assisting those who wished to use technology to do so.)

Cllr Brown and Cllr Parker both highlighted the need to spread the word on sticking to and using the Covid guidelines as the surest way to support getting through the pandemic whilst vaccines were developed.

9.  Planning – Hillside

The Clerk reported no change on this item due to the pandemic restricting site visits. It was noted there appeared to be some cladding added to the extension, denoting extra expenditure.

It was confirmed the granted planning permission had no completion time limit though the owner had confirmed in writing he anticipated demolishing the building in the future.

10. Planning consultations
(a) Working party response – as circulated to councillors, the general consensus was one consultation was not applicable to the parish and the second, aspirational. It was therefore AGREED the Council would not respond. Cllr Thomson was thanked for taking the lead on the review.

The Clerk highlighted any responses to the CPRE’s email on this be made as independent councillors in the light of the Council’s decision not to respond as a body.

(b)  Housing Survey – a suggestion resulting from (a) was the possible undertaking of a local survey. Discussion resulted in a negative response.

It was noted development was taking place on a property at Ashley Wood. The Clerk was asked to confirm the extent of the planning permission granted.

The Chairman raised Planning application P/OUT/2020\00026 for 600 houses near the Hilltop roundabout on the A354 and asked councillors be sent information on this.

11. Neighbourhood Planning – training

The Clerk advised two training sessions were available in January in response to the Council’s tentative consideration of whether a Plan was required for the parish. It was felt the outcome of the White Paper as above should be known before a decision on training expenditure be made and AGREED this be reviewed in 6 months, i.e., June 2021.

12. Fingerpost Directional Signs

(a) Tarrant Rushton – the quote for lettering both sides was £500 and so the decision made not to go ahead with this. It is considered the sign is therefore completed.

(b) Ashley Wood junction – Cllr Harding reported an increased quote for one of the 3 fingers, requiring an additional £300. The Clerk highlighted the reserves figure and that the £200 (to be taken from reserves as authorised by councillors in May 2020 and agreed by email) had not been used, leaving £100. It was:

RESOLVED the sum of £100 in addition to the £200 previously agreed be taken from reserves to meet the increased quote.
The Clerk confirmed it was anticipated the post for the sign, which had been damaged in a road traffic incident, would be replaced imminently by Dorset Council Highways.

(c)  Tarrant Keyneston – sign roundel – The Mill had been approached via email on a possible financial contribution and a reply awaited.

13. Highways
A possible Community Speedwatch Scheme on the B3082 was revisited, following a TK Whatsapp discussion. Cllr Topliss volunteered to lead on this and would report to the January meeting.

Speed Indicator Device – to go on the January agenda.

14. Footpaths

Cllr Topliss confirmed the reporting of a fallen tree and broken stile, both of which had been dealt with.

15. Presentation of financial statement for September-October 2020

The Clerk had previously emailed the financial statement showing full details of income and expenditure in September and October set against budget.  It was:

RESOLVED the September – October statement be approved and signed.

16.   Approval of cheques for payment as per schedule

RESOLVED the cheques shown on the September-October statement and shown below be approved and signed.





K. Huck

At agreed rate


K. Huck






ICL Website



Harding Farms


17.  Draft Budget – 2021 \ 22 financial year
A draft budget had previously been emailed to councillors for consideration. Two queries for resolution for the January draft were the Clerk’s salary and whether the Zoom platform subscription would be needed.

18. Tarrant Crawford Water Recycling Centre
Cllr Parker had advised Tarrant Crawford residents of information received from Wessex Water on updating work due to start on the Recycling Centre in February 2021. The Clerk advised this was to bring water being discharged into the River Stour up to required standards and that works traffic would be directed to use the A354 \ Langton Long road and not A350 \ Crawford Bridge.

19. Cycling initiative – Tarrant Rawston Airfield

Cllr Harding reported that while there was no current update available, the project was still ongoing.                                                                                                             

20.  Digital Agenda

The issue of the Digital Agenda, or availability of help for all to access IT, had been promoted by DAPTC. It was AGREED this be an agenda for the January meeting.

21.  Inclement Weather Plan – Review
Cllr Thomson confirmed he had reviewed the Plan ahead of the winter season. Councillors were asked to advise they were content for their name to be listed as a contact, with Cllr Deketelaere asking his landline number be removed and his mobile number listed.

The Council thanked Cllr Thomson for undertaking the review. The Plan would be published on the website.

22. Asset Review

It was AGREED this be placed on the next agenda.

23.  Website

The Clerk confirmed the newly designed website was going live following some minor amendments. The potential for a village(s) website would be considered as part of the January agenda.

24.  DAPTC
Cllr Beale advised of her intention to join the AGM on 14th November.

25.  River Tarrant
No update available.

26.  Correspondence
The Clerk reported all correspondence had been forwarded to councillors. The September meeting had AGREED the letter from the Dorset Race Equality Council received July 2020 be an item on the January 2021 agenda.

27. Items for the next agenda

2021 \ 22 Financial Budget and Precept request Waste collections
Community Speedwatch Scheme
Valley Road speeding and traffic \ Speed Indicator Devices
Fingerpost refurbishments
Digital Agenda
Village website
Dorset Race
Equality Council – correspondence

28.  Date of next meeting.

This is currently set for 12th January 2021, followed by 9th March, 11th May, 13th July, 14th September and 9th November.